Tales from Under the Desert Palm by Various Authors
Editorial Reviews, Awards, and Accolades
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Nat Burns is an award-winning novelist who lives in New Mexico. Her life has been devoted to the written word, whether poetry, fiction or journalism. She also retired in 2007 from a career as editorial systems coordinator for a medical publishing firm. She now writes full-time.
Her work has appeared in dozens of publications. With somewhat eclectic interests, her writing encompasses several genres and many forms. She is probably best known for the ten romance novels she has with Bella Books. Other fantasy and erotica books are with Regal Crest and her horror novel is with Desert Palm Press.
Kellie Doherty has a master’s in book publishing from Portland State University. She’s the author of the Cicatrix Duology (Finding Hekate and Losing Hold, Desert Palm Press) and is currently working on a five-book fantasy series. The first book, Sunkissed Feathers & Severed Ties, will be out in early 2019. During the day, she’s an office assistant and freelance editor, and by night she’s crafting adventures full of magic and daggers...and maybe a few dragons, too. She also enjoys reading, taking walks, playing video and board games, and hanging out with her friends.
My favorite lesbian fiction book:
The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet, by Becky Chambers, because while the queer romance is quieter than others, it feels natural and easy.
My old favorite has to be:
Harry Potter, by JK Rowling, because it made me want to be a writer. However, my current favorite is A Darker Shade of Magic by VE Schwab because her characters are amazing, and her plots twist in delicious ways.
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Toni Draper was born and lived most of her life in the Mid-Atlantic state of Maryland. These days, home is a cozy casita on a two-acre sprawl that she shares with her wife and their current pack of perros: Kona, Juneau, Tucker, and Ellie, deep in the heart of Texas. She has rescued a number of senior and special needs underdogs over the years and immortalizes them via nods on her pages. A Spanish Teacher, the language siempre seems to find its way into her writing. Her debut novel WILDFIRE, a second-chance lesbian romance, was published in July 2021.
Ellen Hoil lives in wine country on the North Fork of Long Island between The Sound and The Peconic Bay. “I can’t imagine living anywhere that isn’t near water and open space.” When she isn’t writing fiction, she does writing for her other career as an in-house counsel attorney.
During her downtime, Ellen enjoys her hobbies of photography and getting involved in local politics. She is an ardent Sci-Fi geek and can be found at various conventions. My philosophy on life is that failure is never the end, but only a temporary stopping point for a new adventure.
I was bred, born, and raised in New York and I have no desire to live anywhere else. One day, I would like to travel, but for now, I am content where I am.
I started out writing poetry in junior high. I wrote short stories throughout high school and college. In between writing, I managed to get a college degree in history.
I had fun with fan fiction and decided to try my hand in original fiction. I plan to continue writing as long as I continue getting ideas for stories and it continues to be fun.
Rae D. Magdon is an author of queer speculative fiction. She believes everyone deserves to see themselves represented in the stories they read, especially lesbians, bisexual women, queer women, trans women, and nonbinary folks. She has published over 10 novels through Desert Palm Press. Her cyberpunk novel, Lucky 7, received a Golden Crown Literary Award for Sci-Fi/Fantasy (2019) as well as a Rainbow Award for Science Fiction (2019). Starless Nights, her 2017 space opera with co-author Michelle Magly, also received a Rainbow Award.
A non-lesfic book that has inspired me:
Daughter Of The Forest by Juliet Marillier
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Jan was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and earned degrees at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She moved to the Washington, DC area, where she taught special education and mathematics for fifteen years before becoming a High School Principal and Director of School Improvement. She earned her Ph.D. in Instructional Leadership for a Changing Population at Notre Dame University of Maryland and taught Educational Leadership. Jan mentors new administrators and enjoys reading, writing, cooking, fitness, and volunteering while traveling between her homes in Annapolis, MD, and Rehoboth Beach, DE. Her most important roles are wife, sister, aunt, and friend.
Ann Tonnell is a retired RN, having worked in management for most of her nursing career. However, her first career was in typesetting and composition. It was not until retirement that she found inspiration to capture stories in writing. She lives with her wife in a small community in the North Georgia mountains just yards from the Appalachian Trail. She is a DIY dabbler and avid cloud admirer.
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