On January 1, 2025, Jodi Zeramby and Peggy Zeramby shall take over publishing duties for Desert Palm Press (DPP). Peggy brings a business acumen honed by leading an international organization since 2006. Her attention toward detail and constant updating of her skills have established her as an innovative, outside-the-box thinker. Jodi has mastered many skills over the years, which have contributed toward becoming a publisher. She graduated from Boston University, earning two degrees—English and Education—simultaneously with honors. While teaching high school English, Jodi attended Suffolk University Law School at night and worked at a law firm in her “spare” time. After moving to Arizona, she taught real estate law to real estate professionals for over a decade and during that time became a published author.
Since then Jodi has interviewed authors across the lesfic community and championed writers with the goal of supporting and lifting up others. She’s currently the executive board vice president for OPUS Literary Alliance, a non-profit organization that focuses on advancing literary and educational opportunities for members, preserve their legacies, and celebrate, promote, and support lesbian, women loving women, and sapphic literature. Jodi and Peggy became the publishers of Launch Point Press two years prior in January 2023.
Both presses are sister presses. We collaborate, cooperate, and assist one another in this crazy world of independent, small-press publishing. That won’t change. As sister presses, DPP and LPP are a tremendous resource for one another. Both publishing houses will remain separate imprints, and they will continue to produce quality books you will love to read. Watch for their collaboration of livestream events and more!
Lee Fitzsimmons established Desert Palm Press in 2014 to aid her friends with publishing their lesbian-themed stories. Lee gave Jodi her chance to become a published author in 2015. In fact, under Jodi’s pen name, Jazzy Mitchell, DPP published five of her books and a short story called “Scheduling Happiness” that she’s contributed to a DPP-produced anthology, Tales Under the Desert Palm.
The mission of Desert Palm Press has been and continues to be the publishing of stories that accurately and respectfully reflect the diverse lives of the Lesbian and LGBTQ+ community. We strive to make silenced voices heard. Our publication list reflects lesbian fiction of many genres and in the future will include, we trust, non-fiction.
Our books are a collaboration of our authors, graphic designers, editors, and proofreaders. We strive to give you, the reader, an experience that embraces and reflects our diverse lives.
Our eBooks and paperbacks are available worldwide. Desert Palm Press titles are available through our website, Amazon, Bella Distribution, Smashwords Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Apple, and other third-party retailers. They are also available through Scribd and Overdrive library services.
Thank you for visiting our About Us page. We hope you will join us on our journey to promote diversity and representation in the publishing industry.
Jodi Zeramby, Peggy Zeramby
Desert Palm Press
4804 NW Bethany Blvd, Suite I-2, #148
Portland, OR 97229