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Redemption’s Road by CJ Murphy
2019 Rainbow Honorable Mention
—I found “Redemption’s Road”, to be a Powerful & Inspirational - Must Read!!! CJ Murphy, has impressed me once again! I read a lot and she is definitely, number 1, on my top 10 list of favorite authors. She draws inspiration from life and everything going on around her. Her heroes are realistically written, as is every character she’s created. Her books always encourage, through her characters, hope, faith and positivity—the message that each of us are valuable and worthwhile. She also encourages the reader that it’s okay to be true to who we are, even when others don’t agree or understand. This book is a departure from her previous publications, in that it is written from Rebekka’s point of view. It also differs, in that the pros and cons of organized religion, are the driving force behind Rebekka’s life and outlook, on every aspect of life. She doesn’t use the book to preach to the reader. She simply let’s Rebekka tell her story and live out her life, within the pages of “Redemption’s Road”. Each character experiences their own highs and lows and struggles to find love and happiness. She shows you through Rebekka and others, that it’s not our mistakes that define us, but how we pick up the pieces an rebuild, from them. Religious or not, you’ll love this book! Don’t skip over it, because of preconceived notions. Open your mind and read it. I promise, you won’t be disappointed. CJ, makes the characters feel real. They live, laugh, love, fight and kiss and make up, just like we would. Buy this book! Rebekka, Ellie, Tank, Naomi and others, will work their way right into your heart. Tag along with them, while their story plays out. If you don’t, you’ll miss out, on something truly special!