Coming Out - It Only Took Fifty Years by Janis E. Mills

I loved it!

This was such a great read. Being about the same age as the author I could totally follow her timeline through the years and all her personal struggles she was faced with. I commend her transparency. Her fight to get where she is today paid off. Congrats to her and Lori. Wish them much happiness forever. Carmela

Darla Baker

Darla Baker is the author of the Amazon best-selling novel Eagle Cove (Thalia Chase: Sex Therapist Series, Book One). She is the founder of Stone Soup Community, a non-profit press focusing on helping queer writers market their books.

Darla lives with her wife on the shores of beautiful Lake Cumberland, Kentucky during lake season and on the road in her custom campervan, Dulcinea, the rest of the year. Her adorable staffy, Mati, is always by her side.

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