K.L. Mitchell

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K. L. Mitchell was raised all over the South in a series of increasingly tiny towns until she finally joined the Air Force out of a desire for some Culture. She’s spent most of her professional life working on computers in one capacity or another and occasionally manages to get them actually to work.
She's been writing for fun most of her life and for publication since about 2011. She's written for multiple websites and local publications and, in 2013, was a recurring columnist for the Kansas City Star. She lives with a gray cat named Molly and would like to be an astronaut when she grows up.

Favorite Lesbian/Lesfic Book:

My Point, And I Do Have One by Ellen Degeneres. It’s kind of odd to look back these days and remember she started off as a comedian with a very offbeat sense of humor. Still holds up.

Favorite Book:

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. I’d never encountered something like it before, combining humor and genre fiction and amazingly well-written.

Connect with K.L.:




Desert Palm Press

Founded in 2014 by R. Lee Fitzsimmons the mission of Desert Palm Press has been and continues to be the publishing of stories that accurately and respectfully reflect the diverse lives of the Lesbian and LGBTQ+ community. We strive to make silenced voices heard. Our publication list reflects lesbian fiction of many fiction genres and in the future will include, we trust, non-fiction.

Our books are a collaboration of our authors, editors, graphic designers, and proofreaders.  We strive to give you, the reader, an experience that embraces and reflects our diverse lives.

Our ebooks and paperbacks are available worldwide. Desert Palm Press titles are available through our website, Smashwords, Amazon, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Apple, and other third-party retailers. They are also available through Scribd and Overdrive library services.

R Lee Fitzsimmons


Desert Palm Press
1961 Main Street, Suite 220
Watsonville, CA 95076


Franci McMahon


Janis E. Mills